Michael Mazon

Seattle Personal Injury Attorney
(555) 802-1234

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Brain Injuries

A brain injury, also known as a closed head injury or concussion, is usually caused by direct trauma to the head. What many people do not realize is that direct head trauma is not always necessary for a person to suffer a brain injury. For example, a severe rear end collision causing a person’s neck to whip forcefully backward and forward, can result in brain injury.

Brain injuries can run the continuum from a slight headache to coma. Regardless of the severity, great care must be taken to know the signs and symptoms of brain injury and to treat them accordingly. There are a constellation of symptoms consistent with a diagnosis of brain injury, e.g. headache, dizziness, disorientation, nausea/vomiting, difficulty with attention and focus, mood swings, personality changes. This list is not exhaustive.

Brain injuries can last a lifetime. In the event you are in an accident and suffer any of aforementioned symptoms, make sure that you consult with an appropriate health care provider, such as a neurologist.

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